Friday, December 17, 2010

My Health Depends on You

Peace-making is expected of us.  We are here to bring each other peace.  We are here to bring restoration to the human race through the knowledge of Christ.  We are here to declare restitution.  Restitution: the act of restoring something lost or stolen to its proper owner.  Christ has brought restitution to the whole human race.  He has accomplished peace between God and man.  All the missing pieces are restored in Christ; all of God’s losses and all of ours.  There is now peace.  
We are here to also perform restitution.  Through our personal knowledge of Christ, we are able to restore any losses that we are responsible for… .we are able, even, to bring the restoration of Christ to losses that we are not responsible for.  We become peacemakers.  People who make restitution.  We spend our times looking for opportunities to restore the missing pieces in the emotions, mentalities, possessions and physical beings of others.  The health of the human race depends upon our declaration and performance of the restitution of Jesus Christ.  
“And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.  For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it,” Luke 9:23-24.  And the wisest Man has said, “lay down your own missing pieces; start picking up pieces for my sake…”  Restore.  Reveal the peace of God to all men.  
We have all lost pieces of life in this war-torn, tongue-lashed world, but the Peacemaker tells us to stop rescuing our own pieces and start taking up the burden of Christ as perceived around us.  Who is He going to, healing, suffering with, dancing with?  Go also to them and heal, suffer, dance….
  Instead of looking for others to restore our own persons, we lose any thought for our losses, and begin saving other lives by looking to restore their losses.  Trust your Beloved Savior with your personal peace and act upon the personal restitution of your Beloved Savior towards others.  We are His Peacemakers.  His People of Peace.

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