“Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit?” Mark 6:39. Our frailty has fallen far away from God. Can we even help each other a little from here? Blind men only lead blind men into pits…
The gospel of Eternal Life simply tells us that human life has eternal value. Divinity desires flesh and blood to be fused with heavenly holiness and glory for Eternity… .a resurrection to Reality. Here, on planet earth, in a sphere of understanding departed from Reality… .here, where the rule of Death is quite considered the norm… .here, we easily settle for fading and dying. Here we easily struggle to fight for survival and lead others to do so as well. It is a race against temporal existence and the finality of total loss. This has become our normal reality. Wars are fought on every plain of human existence, battles produced of to comfort and control the ache of our flesh while we fast approach impending doom. In simple terms, we are afraid to lose our life…
Yes, with this vision of “reality”, one would most certainly need to struggle for existence. Blind men everywhere struggling while running into temporary walls. And Oh the cut and bruising the comes when no one knows where to go or what to do. We walk along the wall groping together for answers. We make independent decisions based on our blurred perception of Life and we lead others into pitfalls with us. Ouch! We deny our very blindness and nakedness and yet feel its cruel vulnerability just the same. We know that others are blind and naked as well. But the eyes of our hearts are dull and blurry, so concerned with our own welfare, that we have little regard for the flesh of our neighbor. Our retina has focused on the wounds of our own flesh and we cannot perceive the wounds of our brother. Humans beware! We are a lost race in fear for our survival!
“How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother let me take out the speck that is in your own eye, when you yourself do not see the log that is in your own eye?’” Luke 6:42. Until the eyes of our hearts are open, until light is shed abroad in our understanding, we cannot help, we cannot protect or provide for the frailty of others. “I was naked and you clothed me…” Matthew 35:6. Life has lost its brilliancy in our perspective. We have eyes but we do not see. This world swirls with a need to survive against loss of our temporary livlehood. Ah, with this perspective one could not possibly see Divinity’s beautiful image in the earth. We can’t see Him peering through the eyes of our neighbor asking to be covered and fed. Our dust and ashes have become heaps of disposable souls.
I am very sorry; thus far, this is not a lovely story. It is the story of Humanity’s great loss of Reality….
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