Cain did not give up his rights. He supposed he had a right to sacrifice his own way. He chose what seemed right in his own eyes… .concerning many things…
Cain wanted to decide who should be allowed to breathe. He approached Abel casually as his brother rested under the oak. Somewhere he had been caught up in a suggestion: Maybe God loved Abel better. And that deceiving argument simmered throughout Cain’s thoughts and feelings until it boiled hard under his skin.
Cain could not accept the thoughts of God anymore. Cain wanted to do things his way. Cain did not want to respond to conscience. He did not want to admit, through the sacrifice of a life, that man owed anything to God. He did not want to feel the shame of his deficient human condition. He did not want his own offering spurned in the light of his brother’s acceptance. Cain refused to be made a fool by Abel’s humility and faith. Abel stood like a Divine Law in the foreground…. .a Divine Law that Cain did not want in his presence any more.
The seeds of anger were planted that day and blood would be spilt. God’s blood in a human body. The knife glided swiftly through Abel’s jugular vein. If Cain couldn’t have his way, he would take someone else’s. And Abel’s blood still speaks of the injustice.
Cain moved the first boundary outside of Eden. He chose to govern the existence of his brother’s life. An Adversary was free to roam in Cain’s thoughts. There was nothing to stop the onslaught of suggestions since mankind had opened the door to influence in government. God’s thoughts and words concerning Life were added to the pile of considerations but they were not necessarily heeded at the moment of decision. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Genesis 4:9. The question did not make sense. Life was a keeper of Life. But Cain had new knowledge; knowledge of other suggestions and accusations against God’s original design… .good and evil judgments. And he had chosen to make his decision based on those other voices. Death reigned over Abel’s body and Cain’s heart. The boundaries of Divine Life have been usurped and manipulated ever since.
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